We aim to provide you with a complete football health service.

Our practitioners are experienced in managing young athletes with the goal of injury prevention, education and promoting best training practices. We work closely with coaches and trainers to achieve the best results for the athlete. We have a network of experienced and specialised sports physiotherapy doctors, sports physicians, physios and other Allied Health practitioners who work as part of a team and are here to help you!

The BEST program for the player may include one/some of the following services:

  • Football Physiotherapy Injury Screen/Assessment
  • Football Physiotherapy Review
  • Footy 1:1 Physio Exercise session
  • Pilates4Footy Program, Physiotherapist Instructed
  • Sports Dietetics Session
  • Sports Massage 30,45,60 minutes

Initial Physiotherapy/Football Assessment

In this session we will identify potential injuries before they become an issue while providing you with modifications to your training regime for injury prevention and performance. This includes:

  • Screening of joints for injury prevention with a particular focus on spinal flexibility, power of muscles around hips and pelvic region, specific footy injury screen such as Osteitis pubis, hamstring strains, ankle and shoulder stability.
  • Assessment and diagnosis of current injuries (if relevant)
  • Referral for scans if required such as X-ray or MRI to assist in diagnosis
  • Assessment of specific skills such as running, kicking, jumping
  • Evaluation of current training load for footy and other sports
  • Construction of an individualised and specific training regime including a combination of gym, footy skills, rehabilitation and core-work based on assessment findings for injury prevention and peak performance taking into account other sporting commitments
  • Liaison with coach/trainers to adapt training including management plan written by your Physiotherapist

Footy Physio Review

Management of current injuries may include a combination of treatment methods such as massage, joint mobilisation, dry needling, manipulation in conjunction with rehabilitation exercises as required. All methods of treatment are evidence-based and specific for your condition. The best treatment pathway will be determined by your physiotherapist in the initial session.

1:1 Physio Guided Exercise/Rehabilitation session

We will guide you every step of the way towards the commencement of your training program with 1:1 exercise in the gym.  This is extremely important when you commence a new training program to ensure correct technique.  The goal is for you to be independent in your training however sometimes you need a little help at first to get it right!

Pilates4Footy Program

Pilates4Footy is our very own Physiotherapy developed and instructed program specific to Football.  We understand the demands placed on young athletes. Our program will focus on exercises proven to assist in injury prevention and recovery with application to high level sport. The goal of this program is to be used in conjunction with your usual training to assist you reaching your peak performance.  Sessions are kept small to preserve quality. Click on the link to see our flyer below.

Dietetics Services

Our dietitian will evaluate your current nutrition and provide suggestions to ensure you are on the best diet for sports performance.  WE can guide you towards best pre-match nutrition and recovery.  We can also provide you with assistance for specific medical conditions and gastrointestinal issues.

Massage Services

We offer physiotherapist sports massage for 30, 45 and 60 minutes.

Referral to Doctors

We work alongside a team of reputable and experienced GPs and Sports Physicians in the area who have a special interest in football injuries.  For more information on the best football therapy practitioner to see you will need to speak to your physiotherapist.

Recommended Physiotherapists

All our Physiotherapists have experience with managing football related injuries. The physios with a special interest in football are: